12019-02-03T22:04:58+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b11Dames (1934)plain2019-02-03T22:04:58+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bIn the “Tunnel of Pulchritude” shot, dozens of women are arranged to form a rectangular corridor. The camera travels down the middle of this corridor—while rotating 360 degrees! Cinematographer George Barnes’s crew had to design a special mount to allow camera operator Warren Lynch to complete this rotation. The effect is so abstract that it barely seems to be about female beauty at all; whatever beauty is on display has been created entirely by the serial patterning of the choreography and camerawork.
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12019-01-28T01:52:12+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bChapter Three: Additional ClipsPatrick Keating343 extra clips for Chapter Threeplain1272019-02-03T22:37:23+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b