12019-02-03T21:42:34+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b11Stagecoach (1939)plain2019-02-03T21:42:34+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bThe introduction of the Ringo Kid is one of the great introductions in all of cinema: the dolly’s movement is exhilaratingly fast, and Wayne has never looked better. The moment is so exciting that the glaring technical error—a loss of focus midway through the shot—actually helps the scene. We meet the Kid, and then he goes blurry, and then—heroically—he comes back into focus, an imperfection becoming perfection once again.
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12019-01-28T01:52:12+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bChapter Three: Additional ClipsPatrick Keating343 extra clips for Chapter Threeplain1272019-02-03T22:37:23+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b