12019-01-27T20:06:40+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b11Bringing Up Baby (1938)plain2019-01-27T20:06:40+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bDirector Howard Hawks advised, “The best thing to do is to tell a story as though you’re seeing it.” In this scene, Hawks’s person-like parallel is plausible: with the camera set at eye-level height, it is easy to imagine a human observer watching the scene, turning this way and then stopping, just to follow the action.
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12019-01-25T22:37:11+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bChapter Two: Purposes and ParallelsPatrick Keating6This chapter covers the years after the transition to sound.plain832019-01-28T02:06:58+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b
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12019-01-25T22:48:29+00:002.10 Bringing Up Baby1Bringing Up Baby (1938)plain2019-01-25T22:48:29+00:00Critical Commons19382019-01-24T19:49:51ZVideoHoward HawksBringing Up Baby