12019-01-28T00:40:50+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b11Out of the Past (1947)plain2019-01-28T00:40:50+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bWhen Jeff visits his nemesis Whit, Kathie is the last person Jeff expects to see. In walks Kathie. This revelation is shocking—all the more so because the filmmakers reintroduce their femme fatale so casually. For this shocking plot twist, one might expect some cinematic device to heighten the drama: perhaps a musical flourish, perhaps a cut to a close-up of Kathie, perhaps an emphatic dolly-in. The camerawork instead remains as understated as Robert Mitchum’s performance.
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12019-01-28T00:32:11+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3bChapter Six: An Art of DisclosuresPatrick Keating3Chapter on long takes and the widescreen cinema of the 1950splain1992019-01-28T02:10:25+00:00Patrick Keatingfdfdb363527b48ac29800c3d2a6f44da6939bc3b
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12019-01-27T22:00:18+00:006.5 Out of the Past1Out of the Past (1947)plain2019-01-27T22:00:18+00:00Critical Commons19472019-01-27T18:31:29ZVideoJacques TourneurOut of the Past